Strikes Cigar Lounge Logo

Strike's Cigar Lounge Serving Only the Best Cigars

Downtown Boca Raton’s Upscale Cigar Lounge

Cigar Box

Your Go-To Upscale Cigar Lounge in South Florida

When you are looking for a place where you can enjoy high-quality cigars, premium whiskey, and some of the best handcrafted cocktails made in South Florida; STRIKES CIGAR LOUNGE, is that place.  We’ll give you the attention and personal service you expect and enjoy.

We are an upscale cigar lounge in South Florida, featuring a large walk-in humidor stocked with over 500 cigars. Join us in our lounge or on our patio, where you can relax in one of our comfortable lounge chairs. You are also free to sit at our bar and meet new people. Let our highly skilled staff recommend unique cocktails to try. We only use the freshest ingredients to enhance your selections from our full bar. In addition to custom cocktails, you can choose from an array of premium whiskeys.

Enjoy watching your favorite shows on one of our many flat-screen televisions. You may also listen to music and connect to our Wi-Fi spots. If you’re thinking of becoming a regular; we offer a variety of membership packages.

Learn about our handcrafted, premium cocktails and some of the best cigars on the market by contacting us at (561) 419-8827 or you can email us.

Enjoy the Lounge

We invite you to visit us often. We have a variety of specialty cocktails and premium cigars you can enjoy at the lounge. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We will respond as soon as possible.